| Sanket/Joe: He's Indian. He's tall and skinny, and his face well resembles a monkey. No, it really does! Just get him to take his glasses off, pull on his ears, and completely close his mouth. He looks exactly like a real monkey, I swear! I'll get a pic of him doing it one of these days. I'll post it up, you'll see what I mean. He's got braces and he's got a ball of fuzz for hair. Meaning that if he grew his hair out, he'd have an afro. He likes to watch and play basketball and he's really smart. He was in the top 20 of the class in our sophomore year. (Go Joe! <starts singing> "...The American Hero...") Well, out of the "Indian Group" I'd have to say Pawan, Sanket, and Bobo can get the most annoying (in that order). (No offense y'all, but you just argue waaaay too much. And don't try to deny it. Cuz you do.) Yeah...most of the arguing happens when we're all playing a game. Mostly in basketball. We don't play vid games much, and if we do, there's little or no competition. Pawan and I control the vid games. Anyway, back to Sanket. He's probably the second best basketball player in our group. Jayneil being first. Speaking of Sanket and Jayneil, they're the head members of CASA. Which is a club they started at our school. Sanket's president and Jayneil's Vice-President. I ran for secretary and vice-secretary but came in 4th in that section. The name "Joe" came from the end of something we used to call him. "Sankey-Joe" I dunno where we got that. I assume someone just came up with that cuz they didn't wanna call him by his real name. Sanket's gone through plenty of names in Middle School. Plenty of immature ones like "Spank-it" There's an end to it including a stretched last name but I won't mention it. You ever hear any of us mention a "Joe" that's Sanket. That's all you gotta know. Pawan: He's Indian also. He's kinda on the heavy side, but he said he's working it off. (Doesn't look like it. Heh heh.) But in the mean-time, don't make fun of this guy's weight. (Don't worry. I'll get it from him later) He'll sit on you. It'll be very hard to get up, I should know. He's got black eyes, and black hair that's hardly ever combed...well, only if he's going out in the public it's combed. Otherwise, no. *cough: Dandruf!* <achem> Excuse me. He's smart also. His class rank (sopomore year) was 29th. He wanted me to mention that if he hadn't been in Mrs. Evans-Miller's Art class, and his calculations were right, he shoulda been 9th in the class. He's a big fan of basketball. He is crazed over the Houston Rockets too. Well, you know what Pawan? ROCKETS SUCK! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ya' fatty! He also likes Nintendo I guess. He won a Blockbuster award for fastest learner or so he says. I can still kick is ass in most games. HAHA! Pawan sucks! Hehe. He's a nice guy though...when he's not arguing with everyone else. He's what I like to call the "crazy one" outta the Indian group for certain reasons. Sometimes, he just acts crazy, *cough: baby voice!* <clears throat> Excuse me again. Like I was saying, he can be crazy, but so do I so I'm fine with it. Well, looks like I'm almost done talking about Pawan. This is kinda big paragraph. Big paragraph for a "big guy." HA HA!! (He's gonna kill me pretty damn soon.) <Runs for life> "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! The doughboy's after me!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!" <Runs faster...> Shaun/Bobo/Horny Toad: Another Indian. He's kinda short and skinny. Most people call him "Bobo" and I don't think there's any particular reason. My brother Ravi and I call him that and "Horny Toad." To explain that name: he came over once and asked to look up Jenny McCarthy on the net, and his eyes look like one of a toad's. So there. Horny Taod. Anyway, he likes to play basketball and go to movies. I boxed him once and won. (Yay me) It wasn't a fair fight though. His contact fell out. We need a rematch. Well, I can't think of much else to say, so just keep reading about other people. Bobo's boring to talk about (haha ^_^) Jaclyn (Was it...no "K"?)/Jackie/Jabbles/Jacquline (Is that spelled right? Aaah, just whack me upside the head later): We call her Jackie anyhow...except for Annie. Because in her story, she's Jabbles..who is my neice. (Don't ask) I met her in French class my sophomore year. She was a fish (Freshman). I think she's a little shorter than me. She's Chinese also (so we're back to the anime gang ^_^). She's got pretty long black hair (that she seems to like short) and dark brown eyes. She stopped wearing glasses, so I assume she went to contacts, and she has braces. She's a really nice person, but pretty shy sometimes. At others she's just as crazy as I am =oP You really oughta see me hyper. It's pretty funny. Anyway, she likes anime and dancing and...stuff... She's a really good artist too. Check out her page, she scans her art work in. She's holding a position in Pandora's Box. I don't know exactly what though. Oh! She vows to dress all gothic one day. Not many people believe her. She definately doesn't look like soomeone who's like that. I mean, gothic is like...the exact opposite of Jackie...like the complete personality change in Lain when she's in the wired...er....yeah. She likes Lain. Aww...<hangs head in shame> Well, that's it about Jackie for now...I really can't think of much else to say besides "Keep bugging Alex about The Bouncer!" =oD Allison/Ali (formerly Allee): Chinese, hair a little below shoulder length, anime bud ^_^ I'm probably taller than most of my friends in the anime group (which is kinda hard to believe seeing how I'm 5' 5") I met her through Jackie. They're really good friends. And they're both a grade below me. Therefore I am their superior! Bwahahahaha! Oh, okay. I'm not. I'm just messing around. Come on, I gotta be able to have fun while writing these. I've worked on this page for 2 days practically non-stop. It's 3:10 AM! April 22! Erg, must finnish Ali's description. Now-a-days, (Jr year) I talk to her and a couple others (I'll mention 'em later) every other day in lunch. Ali's been to like...2 of my anime parties. She said she found out about most of her anime through those. I'm tellin' ya'...anime parties are good for the otaku (anime fan). You get your actions, your comedies, and your serious confusing anime (such as Lain ^_^) Anime parties = highly recommended. =) And I'm not too sure where they got "Ali" from. It's just kidna been there since I met her. |  |