Hopefully I've made everything here pretty self explanatory. In this page I'm going to put up things that I like such as mp3s, Nintendo Emulators and Roms, stuff about me and my friends, but most of all: ANIME! Anime's the greatest. It's just a shame that I can't draw myself. So I'm putting up pics from different anime that I find from all over the net. For all you hentai drivin morons out there, you might as well be on your way and keep lookin' around because you won't find any of it here. Alright, I know...I said I was gonna wait another year until I get through Internet Communications and Web Design, but I couldn't stand looking at how sad my site was. I had to start building a new one. Hopefully, this program I'm using doesn't screw up like Page Builder. Anyway, that's pretty much everything I wanted to say, so enjoy the site!  View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook |