NGE484's Realm


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Matt's Pics - The Physics Project
Matt's Pics - My 16th Birthday Party
Matt's Pics - Graduation 2000
Matt's Pics - School: Day 1
Matt's Pics - School: Day 2
Matt's Pics - School: Day 3
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Matt's Pics - School: Day 3

Here we go again...

5-16-01 School - Day 3

And I kept at it. More picures in school. Back to White day.


Okay, I want all of you to say "Matt, you da man!" Come on now, say it =D This one couldn't get any better. She was standing there looking straight, and just as it took the picture, she looked over and realized she was getting her picture taken. 1 more second later, I'd have nothing. So, that's why she's looking at the camera. ^_^ "Trade secrets, my son."


Annie's Pandora's Box board in all it's glory. As it was last seen before taken down. If you squint, you might be able to read the stuff on it.


2nd of 3 shots. Annie was messing with her camera. Taking out the film I assume.


For once, a picture with Jayneil not being crazy. It's a rare one. That's why it's up. Jayneil and Michael in Comp Sci.


...Ryan, Paul, and Eric. (the other half of that table)


Eric was playing with the camera, and pointed it at me. Me and my creative mind. Jackie's gonna kick me. If you pay enough attention to my mouth, you might notice that I was just about to smile. Someone on the other side tried to make me laugh. It worked. Anyway, an almost perfect Birdie.


Oh yeeeeah! Who da man!? That's right! I'm da man! And that is a great pic of Gail if I do say so myself. But wait, the next one's better. I'll give you the secret soon enough. Just keep reading.


And once again, another great shot. This time, with the boyfriend. Okay, the secret: It's a digital camerea, so it's got a screen in the back. The camera doesn't have to be eye level. Aim it from another angle where they won't see it as easily. Make sure you can still see through the view thingie in the back and take the shot. Worked for me ^_^. How long did it take me to get Gail?


Ravi drove me and Linda in the mornings toward the end of the year. So, he was there in the morning. This and the next 2 shots were taken in a row. Didn't take my hand off the button to take the pictures or moved from my position. I'm good with a still camera, not a video camera...


Okay, one shot that's kinda bad. Not my fault. The view freezes before it takes the picture. I couldn't see what was going on. Gary almost got in the way ^_^;; Still not that bad a pic.


Well, I needed one picture of most everyone during my day, and this is the other place I eat lunch sometimes. Well, 1/2 of it anyway. White Day lunch. Bobby, Matt, Omeed...


This was either Matt's or Omeed's idea. They wanted Eric and Ryan to have their heads on Paul's shoulders so it looks like they're his b*tches. I thought it was funny, so here it is.


And the person who's gonna kick me. She was being camera shy for a bit, but then she came to her senses. I saw her next block, so she couldn't get away! Bwahahahaha!