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Matt's Pics - School: Day 2
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Matt's Pics - School: Day 2

More pics from school.

5-08-01 School - Day 2

Second day I took the camera. Okay, well the third but I'm considering it the second. This time it's my White Day (Blocks 5-8) I tried to get a picture of Gail throughout most of the day. I didn't get too much success. Annie got none ^_^;; Well, white day:


Annie took a picture of part of the Pandora's Box Board. One of the funnier sections =)


See? =oD


I can't just keep talking about Annie and not have a picture of her. Well, there she is on the right. Next to my friend Justin.


It's James! The Super-smart Chinese Gangsta'. Everyone calls him Fuzzy. Don't ask me why, cuz I don't know.


This is Simi. She was in my Comp Sci class. She's friends with my brother Ravi. Keeps saying that they'll end up meeting again. <shrug> Don't ask me. It's Ravi's story.


I caught her! Not that good a pic though. She was talking to Mr. Ivie about the Marine Biology Case Study. It's a very large and annoying packet that we got in AP Comp Sci. I snuck up on my knees and found a position where I was able to get Gail's face, and then I took it. Not too good a pic, but I got much better ones later. Ahahaha!


Travis came up to me in class and asked if he could go to the bathroom and take a picture of his arse. I said no, and he asked if he could get a picture of his foot. And I said that'd be a waste. So he suggested the leg and his foot and I gave up. And there it is. Travis's leg.


Now we're up to 6th Block - Spanish IV. This my friend James. His Spanish name was Jaime...which is the title of this picture.


This is Ali and Erica at lunch. Erica always got me chocolate milk =D


This would be me. I was dared by friends in Theatre Arts to wear the bag over my head for a day. I wasn't sure if they meant day as in juist that day (because it was already 1/2 finnished) or a full school day, so I did it for both. Haylan wrote "TBKG was here!!" TBKG stands for Tree Born Kettle Girl. You probably won't get that unless you watched Ranma before. The bag was originally made for Stacy so she could be in some pictures w/o her showing her face. It didn't work. She wouldn't get in a picture, period. So I used it for the dare.


Gail's way too camera-shy. Annie took all the effort to try to get a picture of her. This is part 1 of Annie's barrage of Gail pictures.


Annie taking more pictures. Kari doesn't like pictures. Just like 1/2 the other people. But that's alright. We got ya' anyway Kari. ^_^


Jackie and Thien wanted a picture of them. They just started going out...


Heero's growing up and is almost as tall as his Uncle Daemon. (If you don't know about the family, just don't ask.)


Onward to Comp Sci! This is my cool but EXTREMELY boring teacher, Mr. Ivie.


This is Travis. He's the comic relief of Computer Science. I don't know what he's doing in this picture, but doesn't the writing on his shirt look like subtitles!? When I first took a look at it, it looked like it to me. Oh well.


Jayneil being his crazy self. Immitating meditation in class. Jayneil's crazy =)


Thisis my whole Comp Sci class. We're missing a few because of AP exams and it's missing Gail because she's hiding beind Kevin Li (the Chinese guy on the left side).


Gail on the run #2. Unfortunately it wasn't me taking the pictures. It was Annie again. Took more pictures with no success.


The cheaters of RUSH. Regular United States History. R-U-S-H. We always helped each other out on homework, packets, quizzes, tests, exams...yeah pretty much everything. We had the coolest teacher. Coach Lopez. I don't think he ever suspected us cheating. Everyone else maybe, but not us. Cuz we were the "smart guys." (L - R) Andrés's head (German exchange student - rarely got answers from us), John, Josh, Kyle, and Me.


This is Alan. The picture is called Mu-Mu. It came from Mulan. My friends came up with it. Don't ask me what it's about.