NGE484's Realm


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My Story (Beyond Destination)
About My Friends p.1
About My Friends p.2
Matt's Pics - The Physics Project
Matt's Pics - My 16th Birthday Party
Matt's Pics - Graduation 2000
Matt's Pics - School: Day 1
Matt's Pics - School: Day 2
Matt's Pics - School: Day 3
What's New?
Matt's Pics - Graduation 2000

Even more pics...

5-26/27-00 Graduation 2000

My brother Ravi's graduation. You'll see a few of his friends here too. His graduation party was the following day...which was 2 days after my birthday party. Some of the same people came back for the grad party.


Best friends at graduation. Ravi and Ryan. Ravi's my brother so Ryan's obviously the white guy ^_^ These guys are second brothers...according to Ryan's mom. She calls Ravi her second son. Oh well. These guys are all about football. Always played football in the street, in the field (just not in school), followed it, bet on games, etc. Well, we saw these guys come outta the building and took their pic.


I don't remember this picture...Really, I don't! Maybe the others do, but not me. I wasn't even facing the camera. And it's light outside. Most likely wasn't a flash. You think I'm lying? Well you are sadly mistaken, my friend. Oh yes, you are.

5-26-00 The Graduation Party


Some people know what to do at a graduation poarty. And this is what those people did the entire party. Played a game of Risk. Or several games of Risk. It was a long party. Alan left early (as usual), and Anish actually did other things...I think. (L - R) Alan, Erez, Anish, Sumeet, Krishna.


This is my bud Jaymin. He's Jayneil's cousin. Seeing how Jayneil is called "Jay" already, when the both of them are around, I call Jayneil "Jay Dawg" and Jaymin "Jay." It works, right? Just nod your head and smile. ^_^ Jay's playing Perfect Dark. He kinda got obsessed w/ that game afterwards. It's a pretty fun game. Goldeneye style.


Liz, Jennifer, and Christina were trying to balance a bottle on Christina's oval-shaped head and it wouldn't work. I took a picture when it was balanced though. They all held it up and released on the count of 3...which was also my cue to take the shot ^_~


Ladies, this is Jeff. He's Chinese, he has an accent, and he's single. If he seems scary at first, that's the way he is. Right then he was observing Liz doing.....stuff. I don't know what. I was taking the picture. Yeah, yeah, I know. It's crooked. I duncare.


Jayneil on the guitar...again. We're still looking for a drummer. He plays Metallica songs really well on the guitar. I probably mentioned that already, but oh well.


This is Bobo trying to be funny. Acting like from Austin Powers. I titled the pic Bobo Powers but it really should be Bobo Evil, shouldn't it? Whoops. ^_^;;


Tinachris and Jennifer sitting on the futon. Watching to table tennis game I suppose.


This is Erez. Now called the Yak because he grew in a beard and mustache. Here he is kickeding some butt in Risk. Every single game I've seen him play he's kicked some arse. He's always black've been warned!


Liz and Tinachris looking at the Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time official strategy guide gawking at all the guys...

5-30-00 Ravi's Graduation Trip


This is Anish in Collin's car on the way to Schlitterbahn (the Water park). I didn't go in their car but I did follow behind them, bored to tears, in the huge and hot van (bad AC) w/ my mom and sister =(


This is Ravi at Wendy's. Anish made a big deal out of a small dare. He dared Ravi to get in a picture w/ 2 random females eating at Wendy's. He did, and there they are.


This is Anish. The crazy computer guy. Graduated in '00. Came out of the building before my brother so we got his pic first. He's a black belt in....some karate. I could take him though ^_^ That's right Anish, so back off! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!


More graduation pics. We found more people there and started taking more pics. We found Tinachris, Erica, and Erez. There are two cameras taking out pics. I look towards my dad and everyone else looks at the other one. I'm a smart one ^_^;; It looks like I was cut out and pasted into the picture, doesn't it? (L - R) Erez (in the back), me, Erica, Christina, Michelle.


Of course, there's the family picture for Ravi's graduation. Does everyone else have one of these? Well, I got another year before I get mine taken. Can't wait till I'm a Sr. Oh yeah, that's right. Slack off year for Matt.(L - R) Me, my dad, Michelle, Ravi, my mom, Krishna.


Bobo and Nary playing doubles in Table Tennis against Kunal and...someone else. I don't know. I probably wasn't taking the picture anyway. Ya' really shouldn't ask me.


Liz playing the guitar. Haven't talked to her in a while but back then, she was in a band w/ a few people I knew. I have no idea if she has an acoustic or electric so don't ask.


Liz using my punching bag in my room. Yeah, she's posing. She's not really kicking the bag. If she was, she wouldn't be smiling and the bag wouldn't be still. Well, actually, she just wouldn't be smiling =D


Beat up Ravi!


My mom had all the graduates hold the knife and cut the cake at the same time. Kinda lame if you ask me. But oh well.


Ravi and Liz playing doubles. Ravi's keeping his team alive. Liz isn't doing too much. (She's not very good at table tennis)


The original "Ravi-Chan." I think it was at least. Most of you who see this won't understand it. It's an inside joke that I just HAD to post up. And the little bit of writing above the A and next to the little stick person, says, "I'm Superman!" He was trying to block me from taking the picture and Liz knocked him outta the way so I could take it


This is the game of Risk they played. Remember, Erez = black. You tell me who's awesome at the game. Darn tootin'.


Ravi after they cut the cake. Taru in the background. Family friend's daughter.


After Schlitterbahn closed we all wanted to go to Wendy's. My mom thought we'd go when we got back to Austin instead of go to the Wendy's that was right outside of the park...which is where everyone else was when my mom "lost them." Wait, I just made it sound like I actually went to Wendy's. I didn't. We got back to Austin and went directly home. Being dragged w/ my mom instead of my brothers REALLY sucks. Anyway, this is Collin at the Wendy's outside Schlitterbahn.


I don't know what this was about. Ravi doing the peace sign. Either going to or coming from Schlitterbahn. I don't know which. I'm guessing it's after Schlitterbahn.