5-24/25-00 My 16th Birthday Party
My 16th birthday party. I had my party almost a month late so all of my friends could come for at least a bit. 4 of my friends stayed for a sleep over. Annie got the carmera ^_^;; She asked me if she could take a picture of the wallnut bowl. I said, "No." Then she said, "Oh well. Too late." (L - R) They're wallnuts! Ah yes...gathering around the cake. Cake brings people together......sorta. Well, not really. But there we all are. Everyone's there...they're all on the side the picture-taker. (L - R) Tinachris, (Robert's covered), Annie, Ravi, Me, I think that's Liz's head, and Erica.
Ravi said something about me not being able to cut right or something...well, made some kind of insulting remark and Annie threatened him with the knife for me. Heh. Not seriously threatening, of crouse, but...yeah...I cut the cake after that. More cake. We're all just sitting there, talking, waiting for me to cut the darned thing. (L - R) Annie's head, Erica, I think that's John in front of the window, Michael, Sanket, Alan, Kari, Liz, Jackie, Erez (covered again), Jeff. Annie got the knife. Oh dear lord, Annie got the knife. *Hangs head in shame* =) Anyway, Annie got the knife and wanted a piece cut in the shape of a circle because all cake pieces are squares. She cut a circle, then...just started cutting all over the place. ^_^;; (L - R) Sanket (just the face), Kari, John, Liz, Jackie's back, Jennifer covered up completely, Christina, Annie (w/ the knife), Erica's hair, back 1/2 of my head, and Anish. Okay, this was at the end of the party. Well...for everyone but the 4 sleeping over. As you cna probably guess, Liz didn't sleep over. Liz was the last one there and everyone else stayed over. There are 4...my sister was taking them. That's why the pictures are so crappy. Notice...my mouth wide open. Pawan is being a retard in this series of pictures. He's not gay. Anyway, (L - R) Michael M, Liz, me, Jayneil, Sanket (almost covered), Pawan. Great camera work by my sister. That probably woulda been the best one. Pawan wasn't being a moron at that moment. We all got a funny idea and got Liz to do this on the punching bag. When we got them back, my brother Ravi kept a copy...don't kill him Linda. I've got the other one cuz it's not supposed to be in the photo albums :) In all fairness everyone else posed for other funny pics but aren't willing to let me put 'em up. And I don't want mine up there either. Sorry, you're not gonna see me doing something retarded again. You've already seen one. Y'all remember Horny Toad from my "About my friends" page? Well, he gave me a Vogue magazine for my birthday. I told you. Proof #2. He actually offered to get my Playboy or Penthouse. I obviously said no. Anyway, Sanket and Jayneil said they found something "niiiice" and got everyone to look at it. I took the picture and didn't bother to look. I trashed that magazine, btw... This is Jayniel when we shaving creamed him in the morning. Jayneil was the last still alseep. We shaving creamed his head. He was a complete spud, I swear. He never moved, said anything, or did anything. It was pretty damn funny. He got out of spud mode soon enough though. He tried to kick everyone's ass who got shaving cream on him. You'll see it, just scroll down. Yeap. There's Jayneil who finally snapped outta spud mode. Here he is trying to kick Michael's @$$ with no success. This is obviously after we got cleaned up. You see...Jayneil not only wanted to kick the @$$es of people who shaving creamed him, but he wanted to shaving cream them back too. And everyone helped in that. So we cleaned up and Jayneil started his Rampage. ^_^ Ah, that was a great party...and I'll do it again. <takes a sip from coffee> |