| July 9, 2001 6:20PM I finally got off my lazy butt and started working on the page again. I oughta start writing more of the story...not saying that I actually will, but I really should. So, maybe...we'll see. I fit in School - Day 3 in. So you can look at that now. Today, I'm changing pic of the week to pic of the month. It's not getting changed every week. Tomorrow I'll get Day 4 in, and maybe finnish the school pics off. I'll change the pic of the month tomorrow, too.
June 5, 2001 6:42PM I added a journal. I'm not the best writer. So sue me. 4:26PM I added Day 2. Second of 5 school days. I'll update the journal later. I've been working on this for 2 1/2 hours. I need a break.
June 4, 2001 10:40PM As you probably noticed, I got a new page up. School - Day 1. I got 4 more to go and then my birthday party. I was going to write a Journal today, but thanks to my annoying parents, I didn't get the time. They kicked me off the computer for several hours so my mom could learn how to click the scan button on the scanner. Now it's late and I have school tomorrow. So, I'll get to it tomorrow. (Hopefully) I'll start working on my anime page once I get some help from my brother and/or figure out how to make a page without it being on the navigation bar. I'll have a bunch of anime pages and I don't want it being in the navigation bar because then it'll get VERY long. Anyway, I'd best get going. Day 2 tomorrow and a Journal tomorrow.
June 3, 2001 11:20PM I'm back folks! I didn't get much done today seeing how I only worked for 3 hours on it. Started at 8. Anyway, I got the Graduation 2000 page finnished. It'll take a VERY long time to get the pictures I took from the digital up. I won't put them all up though. I'll pick out the good ones. Well, check back often. I should be updating quite a bit. Unless I get a job...that would make me very busy. Seeing how I've got summer school Mon-Thurs now for the next month. Fuuuun. I'll make a journal entry next time. Anyway, come back soon.
May 8, 2001 Time: ??? Hardly an update. Just thought I'd mention that those pictures...The ones I have...you know? Those? Yeah...well, they won't be up for a while. You see...In the last 4 days, I took a total of 58 pictures that I need to post on the web. Not to mention the other 41 pictures from my old page (I probably will purposely skip some pics. Not many though) and ones I have yet to take. I'll probably bring the camera to school again sometime next week. Last week of school ya' know (Excluding exams). So, I'll probably get AT LEAST 10 more. And then there's my BRITHDAY PARTY the following week. And then parties in the summer that friends are gonna have. So, Muchas MUCHAS picturas más a venir. ("Many MANY pictures more to come" in Spanish) Then there's graduation pics of more of my friends and then to resize EVERY ONE of those pictures I have since last Thursday. The pics on the camera are HUGE! And right now, I don't have the program on this computer to resize them. But, I WILL do it. Expect a full "Personal Page" completed by next school year. Well...up to all the pics I have to post thus far. Well, best be off. More homework to do, more subjects to study, and more pictures to take. (I'll get a good pic of Gail yet!) I'll post what I can up this weekend. Don't expect an update the weekend before exams. Algebra II and Chemistry are gonna be a b*@#h.
May 7, 2001 5:45PM Not too much of an update. I made a new journal about camera shy people. I also renamed my picture pages. So it should be easier to get to the page you wanted. Well, I got homework ta' do and my back itches. This chair'll make your back itch. It's fuzzy.
May 5, 2001 9:00PM Found out how to make thumbnails link to the full pic. Click on the thumbnails for full size of the picture. That goes for all the pages. 4:55PM Pic of the week was changed (obviously) and I added a few pics on Matt's Pics p.3. I would do more, but me sleeeeeepy. I might do more later. Good night.
April 22, 2001 12:40PM More webpage! Uh...pictures. Yes, pictures. Matt's Pics p.2 and p.3 were created. Matt's Pics p.3 has no pictures on it yet. It's just got what you should expect to see. 3:31 AM I don't know how much I've updated. I just know it's a lot. I added a Journal Entry, Jackie. Like you suggested. I'm wondering how I'll do this though. Your journal is nicely set up. You got your most recent entry, with the foward and back arrows and a list of entries. Here at tripod, each page you make ends up on the navigation bar and you can't do anything about that. Anyway, It's really late. I oughta get going. I'm not too sure I'll get to this today (after I wake up). I got Chinmaya, church, (possibly Theatre Arts project), lyrics memorization for Westwood Stock, and Algebra, Chemistry, and English homework. What can I say? I'm a slacker. I screw myself over. But yeah...I'm gonna get going now. Oyasuminsai!
April 21, 2001 Time: ??? Rebuilt this site for the 3rd time in 2 days. I made this site twice and both times it messed up on me. But, to generalize this statement: New Web Page. I wrote some new things about friends, and am in the process of getting things from the old webpage, to my new site. It might take a bit, but it'll be back to par soon enough. |  |