| Adam K: Friends since 6th grade in Michigan. Moved to Texas right before 7th grade. Black hair, average height, and I think he uses contacts. He did 5 years ago. I think he's got a somewhat big nose. What do you think? Haven't seen him since I moved 5 years back though I call him on the phone every now and then. He's a really nice guy, messes with your head a bit and flips words around. Don't gimme any of that cross-dressing crap Adam! Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Yeap, yeap, yeap...great guy to talk to, and nice and funny guy. He likes hockey and is good at it. Or at least was. Haven't seen him for a while, remember? Anyway, WINGS ALL THE WAY! Paul: Yes Adam. This is Paul. The same guy who was throwing NERF darts at me over the phone. Anyway, Paul's a really good friend of mine here in Texas. We met in 7th grade OSR (Outdoor Sports and Recreation) and weren't really friends until...8th or 9th grade. I can't remember which. He's dirty blonde, blue eyes, and like most people: taller than me. I think he's 5'11" or something like that. Great guy to talk to. Can talk about pretty much anything. He's been through almost all the rough times here in Austin. Good friend who always tries to be there. Ben: Now Ben. Lessee...he was probably my first good friend here after I moved. He's a lot like Adam interest-wise from what I remember. Into space stuff, video games, computer games or computers in general, and what not. He's like...a non-athletic and not too funny Adam if you were to compare 'em. (Haha Ben ^_^) Anyway, he's got brownish, fuzzy hair, and brown eyes. We've been friends since '96, but don't really do much these days. Well, that's what a job at HEB does...and different classes...and lunches...and, well, you get the pic. He's fairly religious so I try not to fowl mouth around him much, just outta respect. And he really likes Nintendo stuff. Oh yeah, that's right...Nintendo... AIM SN: mfnstarr Annie (Kamikaze CWP Toyota/Daemon Wesley Regen): Now here comes Annie. <Takes a deep breath> Alrighty then. She's a very good friend with pleeeenty of nicknames. We sometimes call her Kamikaze CWP Toyota and it's a looooong story, but I've got room, so I'm gonna write about it anyway. If you don't want to know about it, skip down to where it says "Now about Annie" and continue from there. Kamikaze CWP Toyota: First, we'll start with Kamikaze. That came about on my 16th birthday party. We had a not-so-big water balloon fight because we ran out of balloons fast. Guess we just didnt make enough. Anyway, my brother Ravi brought out my ol' Super Soaker XXP 275 and shot everyone with it. No one had any "ammo" so I brought around the hose. I think the hose was too short or something like that and so we couldn't hit him with it. Annie had a kamikaze mission to get him soaked. She rammed into him so that he was in range, but they were both down and we soaked 'em both. Since then she's been Kamikaze. Now for CWP. That stands for Candle Wax Patch. It needed a vowel so we added an "a" to make it CWAP (pronounced like "crap" with a w instead of an r) but that doesn't matter too much. It was at Kari's surprise birthday party, which was held at Jennifer's house. We were having cake and Annie (of all people) got a hold of the lighter. After the candles were blown out, she stuck one in her mouth to get the icing and acted as if she was smoking 'em and claimed she was addicted. We suggested that she use a candle wax patch instead of a Nicotine patch...for her addiction. So there's CWP. And now for Toyota. That was before CWP and after Kamikaze I believe. It was at one of my anime parties. We were at the table eating pizza and Annie had Tinachris's car keys. They were both arguing over to whom the keys belonged to. So, Tinachris said they were hers and Annie claimed they were hers. And now Liz (joining the argument over the keys) said in a childish manner (jokingly of course), "It doesn't have your name on it!" There, Annie proved her wrong. She said it was on it. Liz said, "Oh yeah? Where!?" And so Annie looked around the key and found the word "Toyota" and said it was her name. Well...last name. Her first name was already Kamikaze. So that explains Kamikaze CWP Toyota. Now about Annie: She's a great friend, goes crazy (in a happy kinda way) fairly often, is very nice, and tries to be the best friend she can. Heck, my dad doesn't remember any of my friends besides her because she's talkative, very kind, polite, and other good characteristics. Lessee, physical characteristics: Well, first off, she's 17, Vietnamese, has straight short black hair (brown highlights), and black eyes. And, hey, she may be short, but she could kick your @$$. She's a 2nd degree black belt in Shaolin. She could kick my @$$. And Ravi's @$$ (He's a brown belt). She'd just whoop on all of y'all! Well, maybe not everyone, but pretty darn good majority. Ain't that right Annie? <Stands next to Annie w/ hands on waist like Superman acting cocky and all high-and-mighty (Ravi, you're not Ruperman!)> Ahem, uh...yes. Back to Annie. Interests are anime, and Card Captor Sakura, and Card Captor Sakura, and Card Captor Sakura (because they're all so cute and she wants to steal them all), and uh...Shaolin? Hanging with people close to her? I really don't know much about her in this area. Her brother burns a buncha anime on CDs. (I know that! Go me!) It's not fair. =o) <Tries to think about other things> Uh...she's got a big TV and her parents really nice and her mom is a really good cook ^_^. <continues thinking> Um...well, I met her at lunch in my sophomore year (just like 1/2 of my friends), though I have a feeling we were in a class together before that and we just didn't become friends until later on. Uh...she comes to and hosts many of the anime parties our little group has most of the time along with Saturday Study groups, though those kinda died out. I oughta start 'em back up. Oh! She's the president of Andora's Ov! Heh, I mean Pandoa's Box. It's a club for our little group at school. It's supposed to be a project club. We could work on pretty much anything. Usually people would just do homework though. The main project (that was going on at the time) was an anime movie we're thinking about making. We're still in the process, but since everyone's busy now a days, it's been put on hold. I was gonna be the voice of Boy 13! Who's name was...uh...<looks for document w/ ideas of storyboard> <cant find it> Uh...well, it started w/ a K? Keijin or something? I'll figure it out eventually. That's all I can really think of to say about her at the moment...and I really don't think this long enough. This needs to be muuuuuch longer, ne? ^_^ Christina/Tinachris/CC: Shes mostly called Tinachris. They flipped her name around. She's 19 right now. She's in my brother Ravi's grade...grade being education level. They're both in college. There really aren't any grade numbers in college. I think she's 5'5" and shes Chinese. She has black hair about shoulder length, and brown eyes. I met her my sophomore year too. I only knew her because I knew she liked my brother Ravi. But its been a year or so, so that should be over and done with. Well, I know she likes anime and also looks for anime guys to obsess over. Right now, she's obsessed with Sanosoke from Rurouni Kenshin, and Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugi. Oh, and she does this really funny high-pitched scale thingy when she sees a "hot guy." This could be a drawing or a real life person. It starts out high, then gets low. You just gotta hear it. Actually, I got her to record it on a wav file, so just find the file and click on it to hear it. I mentioned that she was in college, right? Well, she's going to UT Austin and majoring in business. Shes really smart too. She got a scholarship to go there. Go Tinachris. She can be kinda absent-minded at times, but she's almost always happy and cheery. And she does her best to be a good friend. Even if there's a fight between her and someone else, she'll try to patch things up. The Tinachris Squeal The Tinachris Squeal "Blooper" Adam F: Great friend I met online, met in person twice. As of right now, his parents scare me because of what they think of me by meeting me just once. It's just a "little" bit screwed up. Adam knows what I'm talking about. What's really scary is their reasoning. Well, I'm not talking about his folks, so let's skip all that. Anyway, someone I knew a while back (Liz) met Adam online and introduced us. We started talking and it just turned out that we had a lot in common. Same interests and all. It's not very often where we can't think of anything to talk about. Only when we're both really bored and don't really wanna think at all. Well, like I said, we've got a lot of the same interests. Some of which, being the main Capcom games (SF and MM(X)), same anime, and a buncha other stuff I can't seem to think of right now. Erica/Ericaly: I just met her last school year. She's really nice and really most of the time. A lot of my friends are pretty crazy (in a good way of course), but so am I...so it works out. She's got short, golden-brown (red right now), thick, curly, frizzy/boingy hair and brown eyes. Her mom is really cool and her sister is an extreme of mine. Shelby, is less of a brat, 20 times as hyper (and maybe even more annoying) than Michelle. Erica likes anime and at the moment has a crush on some anime characters. But that's typical of both her and Tinachris. I guess it's only natural...for...them...two. Anyway, she's a great person to be around. Linda: I've known her since 8th grade. Probably met her in 7th. She does live 4 doors over. She's Chinese, fairly long black hair, and she says she's 5' 7.5". Before mid-December 2000 you would agree with me if I told you she was a man-hater. But just about then, Linda completely changed her attitude. Used to be more cynical and very feminist, and now she's been "Ravi-tized" and she's one of those "The world is perfect" ppl...or at least close too it. I'm not too sure of many of her interests. She likes anime (like most of my friends) and likes humorous anime. It's kinda sad really. She was on my bus in 7th grade, lives 4 doors down, I've gotten 2 million surveys from everyone through e-mail, so I should know SOMETHING about her, but nope. That's all I know. Right there. What you just read. Well, it's all I can think of at least... Jennifer/Jen/Jen Jen Joobers (Yeah...) Another pal of mine. I believe she's best friends with Linda. She's close to my size, or am I taller? Wait...I'm taller. ^_^ She says she's got a big forehead, but I think it looks fine. Anyway, she's Chinese and she's kept the same hair style for as long as I can remember. Long black hair and black eyes. She has contacts I think. She's really nice but quiet for the most part. When she's not quiet, she's reeeal crazy =oP That's crazy in a GOOD way. =) Anyway, she likes anime, and she has Dance Dance Revolution! It's really fun. We play it all the time at parties held at her house. She's got a really cute dog by the name of Oreo. You can see some pics of Oreo at her webpage. It's on my links page. She's also got...a lot of birds. Like 7? Something like that. They're always in the same cage. And one's getting pretty old I think. It's losing feathers. And about that Jen Jen Joobers...I dunno where it came from, but that's what Tinachris calls her. Alan: Ths smart bum. Little genius boy here skipped sophomore year of high school. He's a nice guy, but he's a bum! (To Alan: Alan, you're a bum. That's right. A Chinese bum. Ya' smart basta'd =oD) Anyway, Alan's a great guy. About 5'6" or 7"...something like that...short black hair. Split in the middle, but both sides swurve in different ways. It doesn't look bad, just kinda funny. He's nice, generous (everyone from lunch sophomore year owes him like $20 each ^_^;;), semi-built, kind of a jack of all trades. He's the greatest guy to make fun of! Good things to poke fun at are his common sense (he has none. =D) and his relationship with Gail. Though that happens all the time and you kinda feel sorry for him after a while. I don't think anyone talks to him w/o missing that topic. Well, this summer (2001) he'll probably be moving away to a big college so we'll hafta just keep in touch my e-mail or whatnot. Anyway, that's Alan for ya'. Jayneil/Jay/Jay Dawg The Indian (keep in mind I have no Native American friends) cross of a nerd, moron, smart-@$$, and a cool, electric guitar playing jock. I'm serious! He touches all of those. He's smart, he's got almost no common sense (which is still more than Alan ^_^), he's awesome at basketball, and he's a bad@$$ at the electric guitar. He's awesome at playing Metallica songs and solos, and was in a band earlier, but quit. He didn't like the style music they were playing. Jayneil's more of a Metallica/Staind/STP/Incubus guy. So am I. So we're gonna try to make a band this summer. I'm covering vocals, he's got guitar, so we just need a drummer and bass guitarist. If anyone knows of anyone who can do either of those, e-mail me. Anyway, I should probably describe him. About 5' 7 or 8", short wavy hair, and enough build that he's not skinny. If you see him winking in pictures, it's an old inside joke. So don't worry about it. He's not gay. And the nick names. Jay is just short for Jayneil. Jay Dawg came from when the tennis coach called him that. Everyone just started laughing and calling him that afterwards to make fun of him. He's so easy to make fun of. It's usually because of his poor common sense, but oh well. So...yeah...that's Jayneil. |  |