| That's right. You're in my territory now. =) Well, this would be my page...where I write stuff about myself, friends, and family. So you probably want me to start by saying something about myself...hrm....okay. (Sorry about the things in this section. A lot of it was typed in Microsoft Word and pasted here, but apparantly some characters don't work in here so they deleted them and I don't know which ones they are, so bare with me if you find something that looks kinda...messed up or wrong. Thanks) Stuff about me: "Matt (Samuel Cain Regen/ Nach/ Nacho/ Nachito/ Hugues/ Spunky/ Circle-head/ and plenty others Im sure)" You wanna know about me, huh? Alrighty then. <rubs hands> Okay, stuff about me...lessee, uh...I'm 17 years old, I live in Austin, Texas, and my name is Matt (of course). I'm 5'5", lightly tinted skin (Mexican or Indian looking color), black hair w/ a spiked front, and dark brown eyes. I have braces and I wear contacts, but sometimes I use my glasses. Oh, you oughta see the thickness of my glasses. Everyone gets a kick out of it. Theyre all like, "Whoa! Those are yours!? What's your prescription?" And I always say one thing: "I have no idea." ^_^ Anyway, I won't get the braces off until I graduate from high school. I get them off June 2002. For those who care to know my ethnicity, my mom is Filipino and my dad is Indian (from India, not Native American...I always gotta say that...) I have 2 older brothers and a younger sister (12 - who is extremely annoying and is a pretty darned big spoiled brat. But none of my friends seem to think so because she acts COMPLETELY different when there's company. Just like my mom.) My older brothers are Ravi (18) and Krishna (19). They were born 364 days apart. Anyway, my family moved from Rochester Hills, Michigan in '96 to Austin, Texas and my friend, Adam, moved from Michigan to Pennsylvania the year after. I enjoy all kinds of music (except all country, most rap, and most oldies) and I love a good action or comedy movie. I actually plan on being an actor. Hopefully, I'll make it. Most people say I'm really good at it. But don't say anything until you've actually seen me! <achem> Yes...uh...other things I like doing are playing basketball and hockey (but I don't follow either sport on TV but the Detroit Red Wings RULE! EAT IT STAN! But...uh...yeah, just playing the sport is good enough for me.) I'm taking 2 languages in school. I'm more advanced in Spanish though. I'm been through Spanish IV and French II. I'm veeeery slowly learning Japanese on my own. Have I mentioned that I'm a complete anime freak, have I? Well, I am. I'll watch most any anime. I can't stand dubbed anime though. Dubbed can just kiss my...you know what comes next. Well, very FEW anime have good dubbing. Street Fighter II V being one of them. That was okay. Neither did Dragon Ball Z (excluding the grunting and yelling 1/2 of each episode), Slayers, and I guess Ranma's okay, but THAT'S IT! My favorite anime series' are listed in the anime section. I like most action anime seri...or serieses...or series'...or whatever the damn plural for "series" is! My favorite action anime are Neon Genesis Evangelion and the Kenshin OVAs. Yes, that's OVA not OAV. Most are OAV but Kenshin decided to be a bit different. I'm really into Japanese culture. I like stuff dealing with samurais, ninjas, and Japanese swords...and swords in general. And staffs, and knunchukus (sp?) and other ancient weapons. I'm taking Shaolin right now. It's a Kung Fu. Blue belt as of right now, but I won't stop until I receive...well, a fairly high level black belt. And by that time I'll probably just say, "Go for it!" and try for Grand Master. Heh heh. Can't wait till that day comes...<looks around to see if people are looking> It'll be a while <nods head> Well, I can't think of anything else to mention at the moment. So, check out my lame and incomplete story, info about my friends, or check out pics of events between me and my friends and family. Enjoy!
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