NGE484's Realm


About Me (Personal Page)
My Story (Beyond Destination)
About My Friends p.1
About My Friends p.2
Matt's Pics - The Physics Project
Matt's Pics - My 16th Birthday Party
Matt's Pics - Graduation 2000
Matt's Pics - School: Day 1
Matt's Pics - School: Day 2
Matt's Pics - School: Day 3
What's New?
Matt's Pics - The Physics Project

Welcome to my pics page,

This page is a page about me, my friends, and my family. There are going to be pictures of everyone, hopefully. The more pics I get of my friends and family, the bigger this page'll be. But first, I need to get them from friends. Meaning, e-mail them or send them over. Just contact me and tell me if you need my home address. Need parties. Parties help in getting everyone ^_^

(click on the pictures to link to the full size pic.)

11-29-99 The Physics Project

Me, Omeed, and Darren. We needed to waste film to devolp a picture for the project. This is what we came up with.


That's Darren. He's messing w/ the computer waiting for the download of a Quake III Demo. 56K sucks. But I don't have to worry about that anymore. <Hugs cable modem> <Dodges thrown tomatoes> Uh...anyway, the one holding the paddle over his head is Omeed. Crazy, but cool guy.


Darren's camera-shy. Omeed had to hold him for the pic.


Awesome camera work by me, if I do say so myself. Omeed hit the ball over to me and I took the pic. Aaaaaaaaaaw yee-yuh! That's right! Who da man?


I think on this one, Darren was heading out the door, I called him and took the pic. So it was by suprise. I'm not positive could ask Omeed.


This would be me...<looks at pic> really hyper. <Hangs head in shame> I was still experimenting with hair styles.


This is Omeed...that's it.


Omeed was playing against Darren in ping pong. But the question is: did he pose for this pic? The world will never know. Well, everyone in the world but me. ^_^ I'm sure Omeed forgot. Okay fine, everyone but me and the people who read about this on my old site...


Omeed again. Crazy, but cool. I said that already, didn't I? Well, this proves it.

Matt's Pics - My 16th Birthday Party