11-29-99 The Physics Project Me, Omeed, and Darren. We needed to waste film to devolp a picture for the project. This is what we came up with. That's Darren. He's messing w/ the computer waiting for the download of a Quake III Demo. 56K sucks. But I don't have to worry about that anymore. <Hugs cable modem> <Dodges thrown tomatoes> Uh...anyway, the one holding the paddle over his head is Omeed. Crazy, but cool guy. Darren's camera-shy. Omeed had to hold him for the pic. Awesome camera work by me, if I do say so myself. Omeed hit the ball over to me and I took the pic. Aaaaaaaaaaw yee-yuh! That's right! Who da man? I think on this one, Darren was heading out the door, I called him and took the pic. So it was by suprise. I'm not positive though...you could ask Omeed. |